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Course Materials

The study materials required for the course are provided by the Rajgor Health and Education Centre

The syllabus of the courses of the Board are as per standard of and based on the syllabus prescribed by the Expert Committee of the Ministry of Health, Government of India and various other national and international universities, premiere medical institutions and important societies working in the field of alternative medicines.

National (Indian) students – Tentative duration within which Indian students can expect to receive their study materials is 2 weeks.
International students – Tentative duration within which International students can expect to receive their study materials is 3 weeks.

Examinations can be taken from the student’s residence.

Students should intimate their choice of examination at the time of enrollment. Different sets of papers are set based on the mode of examination being conducted by the Board ( Online / Postal) and students are provided with Model Test papers of last few years for assistance in preparation based on the examination mode notified.