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Diploma in Acupressure


Be Your Own Doctor in Six Months

Are you tired of medicines ?
Is your disease such as would not be cured by medicines ?
Do you want to prevent disease likely to be caused to you and to the members of your family ?
Do you want to get rid of bad habits (addiction) ?
Do you wish to remain young forever ?
Then you cannot do without Accupressure

Acupressure means acupuncture without needles. This therapy has been recognised by the World Health Organization.
In Acupressure therapy, the internal organs of the body are favourably influenced when specific points on the skin are methodically pressed.

There can be many benefits of doing a Diploma in Acupressure course. Through this, you can expand your knowledge and skills, so that you can work as an acupressure specialist. It can help you towards higher salary and new career prospects. Moreover, it is a recognized professional course, which gives you confidence through your professional advancement.

There can be many reasons to pursue a Diploma in Acupressure course, such as:

1. Job opportunities: There can be many job opportunities in the field of acupressure technology. After the completion of a diploma course, you will be ready for employment in this field.

2. Professional development: If you want to pursue a career in this field, a diploma course can be important for your professional development.

3. Innovation: Innovations and new technological elements are constantly coming up in the field of acupressure technology, and a diploma course will keep you in step with these new developments.

4. Self-confidence: After completing a thorough course, your self-confidence can increase and you can get the motivation to achieve success in this field.

For all these reasons, pursuing a Diploma in Acupressure course can be a good choice for your career.
Painless and safe.
Quick and sure.
Treatment may be taken at home.
Free from harmful side effects.
Very simple anyone can learn it.

Diploma Course in Acupressure Syllabus

(01) Introduction.
(02) History of Acupressure.
(03) The science of Acupressure.
(04) The benefit of Acupressure.
(05) Directions for Successful Treatment.
(06) Locations of Important Acu-Points.
(07) Acupressure Treatment of Common Disease.
(08) Acupressure Therapy and Practice.
(09) Children’s Problems.
(10) Men’s Problems.
(11) Women’s Problems.
(12) Psychological Problems.
(13) Importance of Proper Diagnosis.
(14) Detection of Serious Disease.
(15) 10 Minutes a Day to Keep the Disease Away.